Computer Science
Computers and computer programmes are integral to our everyday lives. A Computer Science degree is not only great for employability in the modern world but is also an ideal degree for those who love to analyse and problem solve. You can find the best universities for Computer Science in the UK outlined in our Computer Science rankings. You can filter our computer science university rankings by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. Universities offer degrees combining Computer Science with other fields, so see which course best suits you.
Computers and computer programmes are integral to our everyday lives. A Computer Science degree is not only great for employability in the modern world but is also an ideal degree for those who love to analyse and problem solve. You can find the best universities for Computer Science in the UK outlined in our Computer Science rankings. You can filter our computer science university rankings by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. Universities offer degrees combining Computer Science with other fields, so see which course best suits you.
Computers and computer programmes are integral to our everyday lives. A Computer Science degree is not only great for employability in the modern world but is also an ideal degree for those who love to analyse and problem solve. You can find the best universities for Computer Science in the UK outlined in our Computer Science rankings. You can filter our computer science university rankings by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. Universities offer degrees combining Computer Science with other fields, so see which course best suits you.
University ranking
University name
Overall score
Entry standards
Student satisfaction
Research quality
Graduate prospects
1234 65 76 17 28 29 510 411 212 313 214 615 6161718 101920 321 322 123 124 42526 227 428 229 230 131 332 633 434 735 336 437 238 539 140 541 542 943 244 845 346 1147 348 1249 650 851 452 95354 455 156 757 658 1159 560 1561 562 1063 1264 565 366 1267 768 269 370 2871 272 773 374 375 776 977 978 279 980 581 482 48384 585 486 78788 289 590 591 192 2893 694 395 696 297 49899 3100 7101 4102 New103 3104 8105 3106 2107 4108 1109 6110111 5112 1113 2114115 10116 12117 New
Read the University and Subject League Tables Methodology to find where the data comes from, how the tables are compiled, and explanations of the measures used.
The following institutions have courses in this subject but insufficient data to be included in the ranking:
The maximum scores for the measures shown are as follows:
Entry Standards: No maximum
Student Satisfaction: 5.00
Research Quality: 4.00
Research Intensity: 1.00
Graduate Prospects: 100
Overall Score: 100.0
All measures used to compile the tables are available on the full table.
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Subject league tables
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