Counselling, Psychotherapy & Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy helps people with physical or mental issues to regain the ability to navigate daily life. Our university rankings for Occupational Therapy include Counselling and Health & Social Care.
Occupational Therapy helps people with physical or mental issues to regain the ability to navigate daily life. Our university rankings for Occupational Therapy include Counselling and Health & Social Care.
Occupational Therapy helps people with physical or mental issues to regain the ability to navigate daily life. Our university rankings for Occupational Therapy include Counselling and Health & Social Care.
University ranking
University name
Overall score
Entry standards
Student satisfaction
Research quality
Graduate prospects
12 234 25 16 178 39 110 211 212 1313 414 215 116 117 218 819 320 721 122 123 324 625 326 1327 New28 1129 230 231 832 233 434 135 336 137 338 1439 240 441 New42 243 144 345 246 147 3
The following universities offer fully accredited undergraduate courses in Occupational Therapy: Bournemouth; Bradford; Brighton; Brunel University of London; Canterbury Christ Church; Cardiff; Coventry; Central Lancashire; Cumbria; Derby; East Anglia (UEA); East London; Essex; Glasgow Caledonian; Hertfordshire; Huddersfield; St George's, University of London; Leeds Beckett; Lincoln; Liverpool; London South Bank; Northampton; Northumbria; Oxford Brookes; Plymouth; Queen Margaret; Robert Gordon; Salford; Sheffield Hallam; Southampton; Sunderland; Teesside; Ulster; West of England, Bristol; Winchester; Wolverhampton; Worcester; Wrexham Glyndwr; York St John.
Read the University and Subject League Tables Methodology to find where the data comes from, how the tables are compiled, and explanations of the measures used.
The following institutions have courses in this subject but insufficient data to be included in the ranking:
- - Aberystwyth University
- - Goldsmiths, University of London
- - Health Sciences University (formerly AECC University College)
- - Leeds Trinity University
- - London Metropolitan University
- - Plymouth Marjon University
- - Southampton Solent University
- - Swansea University
- - University of Bedfordshire
- - University of Chichester
- - University of Gloucestershire
- - University of Hertfordshire
- - University of Strathclyde
- - University of Suffolk
- - University of Wales Trinity Saint David
- - University of Warwick
- - University of Winchester
The maximum scores for the measures shown are as follows:
Entry Standards: No maximum
Student Satisfaction: 5.00
Research Quality: 4.00
Research Intensity: 1.00
Graduate Prospects: 100
Overall Score: 100.0
All measures used to compile the tables are available on the full table.
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