Study French and you'll have the potential to spend time studying abroad. Our university rankings include French Language and French Literature.
Study French and you'll have the potential to spend time studying abroad. Our university rankings include French Language and French Literature.
Study French and you'll have the potential to spend time studying abroad. Our university rankings include French Language and French Literature.
University ranking
University name
Overall score/ Max 100
Entry standards/ Max 225
Student satisfaction/ Max 4
Research quality/ Max 4
Contin - uation/ Max 100
Graduate prospects – outcomes/ Max 100
Graduate prospects – on track/ Max 100
12345 16 17 28 19 110 311 112 413 314 1115 116 517 218 219 420 1321 122 72324 225 226 827 1028 729 730 631 332 233 134 435 436 537 438 139 440 441 74243 344 145 24647 2
100.0 100%97.7 98%96.0 96%95.5 96%95.4 95%94.7 95%94.6 95%94.6 95%94.0 94%93.1 93%92.8 93%92.5 93%92.4 92%92.4 92%92.4 92%91.8 92%91.6 92%91.4 91%90.4 90%90.3 90%90.2 90%90.1 90%90.1 90%90.1 90%89.7 90%89.3 89%88.4 88%88.4 88%88.3 88%88.0 88%88.0 88%87.5 88%87.2 87%87.1 87%87.1 87%87.0 87%86.6 87%86.5 87%86.5 87%86.4 86%86.3 86%85.3 85%84.9 85%84.3 84%82.3 82%80.9 81%79.6 80%
193 86%196 87%225 100%146 65%181 80%173 77%164 73%179 79%167 74%162 72%153 68%164 73%146 65%n/a189 84%155 69%159 71%154 69%135 60%140 62%134 59%131 58%164 73%153 68%154 69%159 71%139 62%193 86%131 58%183 81%123 55%220 98%152 67%111 49%125 56%215 96%116 52%179 80%132 59%121 54%134 59%100 44%143 64%118 52%n/an/a106 47%
n/an/a3.32 83%3.17 79%2.92 73%3.01 75%3.29 82%3.12 78%3.05 76%3.12 78%3.12 78%3.38 84%2.97 74%3.35 84%2.83 71%3.06 76%2.96 74%3.01 75%3.45 86%3.06 76%2.99 75%3.38 85%2.83 71%3.26 81%3.15 79%2.83 71%3.38 85%3.06 77%3.04 76%3.04 76%3.07 77%3.24 81%3.13 78%3.18 80%3.14 79%2.92 73%3.22 81%3.23 81%3.10 78%3.16 79%3.15 79%3.28 82%3.11 78%3.30 83%2.99 75%3.07 77%3.36 84%
3.31 83%3.19 80%3.23 81%3.65 91%3.11 78%3.45 86%3.49 87%3.29 82%2.97 74%3.21 80%3.41 85%3.14 79%3.42 86%3.03 76%3.13 78%3.30 83%3.29 82%3.40 85%3.42 86%3.44 86%3.40 85%3.03 76%3.25 81%3.02 76%3.20 80%3.13 78%3.55 89%3.14 79%2.96 74%2.93 73%3.28 82%n/a2.99 75%3.11 78%3.46 87%2.64 66%3.24 81%2.89 72%3.36 84%n/a3.21 80%2.76 69%n/a3.23 81%2.92 73%n/a2.72 68%
99.7 100%98.8 99%97.2 97%100 100%99.2 99%99.1 99%96.6 97%97.5 98%99.1 99%96.9 97%97.2 97%93.5 94%93.3 93%94 94%98.6 99%98 98%96.2 96%95.7 96%93.3 93%96.2 96%96.7 97%93.1 93%95.1 95%96.7 97%97.1 97%98.2 98%92.9 93%95.9 96%93.4 93%93.5 94%97.6 98%95.2 95%94.2 94%95.1 95%89.6 90%95.3 95%91.9 92%96.1 96%90.4 90%100 100%90.3 90%100 100%98.4 98%84.5 85%82.6 83%85.3 85%82.9 83%
90.0 90%84.0 84%76.0 76%80.0 80%90.0 90%82.0 82%84.0 84%80.0 80%88.0 88%82.0 82%78.0 78%80.0 80%86.0 86%84.0 84%80.0 80%76.0 76%74.0 74%72.0 72%72.0 72%70.0 70%78.0 78%82.0 82%72.0 72%74.0 74%68.0 68%70.0 70%64.0 64%66.0 66%80.0 80%78.0 78%78.0 78%68.0 68%66.0 66%78.0 78%68.0 68%70.0 70%68.0 68%64.0 64%62.0 62%74.0 74%64.0 64%68.0 68%66.0 66%n/a72.0 72%68.0 68%62.0 62%
78.0 78%74.0 74%86.0 86%86.0 86%82.0 82%70.0 70%64.0 64%76.0 76%84.0 84%76.0 76%76.0 76%74.0 74%80.0 80%80.0 80%74.0 74%72.0 72%80.0 80%78.0 78%68.0 68%76.0 76%68.0 68%80.0 80%72.0 72%68.0 68%66.0 66%68.0 68%50.0 50%72.0 72%80.0 80%70.0 70%50.0 50%78.0 78%64.0 64%74.0 74%66.0 66%66.0 66%78.0 78%n/a70.0 70%86.0 86%70.0 70%76.0 76%68.0 68%n/a72.0 72%72.0 72%66.0 66%
This table was first published on 14 May 2024.
Read the University and subject tables methodology to find out where the data comes from, how the tables are compiled and explanations of the measures used.
All measures used to compile the tables are available on the full table view. Maximum scores for the measures:
Overall score: maximum score of 1000
Entry standards: no maximum score
Student satisfaction: maximum score of 4
Research quality: maximum score of 4
Continuation: maximum score of 100
Graduate prospects – outcomes: maximum score of 100
Graduate prospects – on track: maximum score of 100
The following institutions have courses in this subject but insufficient data to be included in the ranking:
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- Accounting & Finance
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- Counselling, Psychotherapy & Occupational Therapy
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- Dentistry
- Drama, Dance & Cinematics
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- Education
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- English
- Food Science
- Forensic Science
- French
- General Engineering
- Geography & Environmental Science
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- History of Art, Architecture & Design
- Iberian Languages
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- Italian
- Land & Property Management
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- Manufacturing & Production Engineering
- Marketing
- Materials Technology
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- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Technology & Bioengineering
- Medicine
- Music
- Nursing & Midwifery
- Optometry, Ophthalmics & Orthoptics
- Paramedic Science
- Pharmacology & Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Physics & Astronomy
- Physiotherapy
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- Psychology
- Russian & East European Languages
- Social Policy
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Speech & Language Therapy
- Sports Science
- Theology & Religious Studies
- Tourism, Transport, Travel & Heritage Studies
- Town & Country Planning and Landscape Design
- Veterinary Medicine