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University League Tables 2025

Explore our 2025 league tables. Ranking the best universities in the UK, overall and in 74 subject areas. Knowing how best to choose your future university can be tough. Our league tables can help by showing you the top universities in the UK and allowing you to sortthem by what's important to you. See the university rankings for your chosen subject and then filter by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. By comparing universities using our filters and your chosen metrics, you can start to get a clear picture of which one is the right one for you.
Explore our 2025 league tables. Ranking the best universities in the UK, overall and in 74 subject areas. Knowing how best to choose your future university can be tough. Our league tables can help by showing you the top universities in the UK and allowing you to sortthem by what's important to you. See the university rankings for your chosen subject and then filter by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. By comparing universities using our filters and your chosen metrics, you can start to get a clear picture of which one is the right one for you.
Explore our 2025 league tables. Ranking the best universities in the UK, overall and in 74 subject areas. Knowing how best to choose your future university can be tough. Our league tables can help by showing you the top universities in the UK and allowing you to sortthem by what's important to you. See the university rankings for your chosen subject and then filter by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. By comparing universities using our filters and your chosen metrics, you can start to get a clear picture of which one is the right one for you.
University ranking
University name
Overall score
Entry standards
Student satisfaction
Research quality
Graduate prospects
12345 16 17 18 3910= 110=12 113 114 115 3161718 219 520 321 222 323 12425 226 427 628 22930= 230= 232 13334 235 136 237 338 139= 239= 341 642= 742= 342= 245 34647 348 349 250 351 752 453 254 35556= 556= 458= 2258= 460 1461 462 96364 365= 165= 567 268 1669 970 271 1372 1473= 373= 975= 875= 475= 975=79= 479= 168182 2683 684 185 286 387 1288= 388= 1088= 191 192 293= 293= 2195= 595= 697= 597= 1199 3100 8101 6102 6103 7104 2105 4106= 8106= 1108 12109 3110111= 6111= 17113 3114 1115 1116 5117 1118 6119 46120 5121 3122 7123 1124 1125 2126 1127 4128129 3130
This table was updated on 24 May 2024.
Read the University and subject tables methodology to find out where the data comes from, how the tables are compiled and explanations of the measures used.
All measures used to compile the tables are available on the full table view. Maximum scores for the measures:
Overall score: maximum score of 1000
Entry standards: no maximum score
Student satisfaction: maximum score of 4
Research quality: maximum score of 4
Research intensity: maximum score of 1
Academic services spend: no maximum score
Facilities spend: no maximum score
Continuation: maximum score of 100
Student-staff ratio: no maximum/minimum score
Graduate prospects – outcomes: maximum score of 100
Graduate prospects – on track: maximum score of 100
Filter by region
Subject league tables
- Accounting & Finance
- Aeronautical & Aerospace Engineering
- African & Middle Eastern Studies
- Agriculture & Forestry
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Architecture
- Art & Design
- Asian Studies
- Biological Sciences
- Biomedical Sciences
- Building
- Business & Management Studies
- Celtic Studies
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Childhood & Youth Studies
- Civil Engineering
- Classics
- Communication & Media Studies
- Complementary Medicine
- Computer Science
- Counselling, Psychotherapy & Occupational Therapy
- Creative Writing
- Dentistry
- Drama, Dance & Cinematics
- Economics
- Education
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- English
- Food Science
- Forensic Science
- French
- General Engineering
- Geography & Environmental Science
- Geology
- German
- Health Studies
- History
- History of Art, Architecture & Design
- Iberian Languages
- Information Technology & Systems
- Italian
- Land & Property Management
- Law
- Linguistics
- Manufacturing & Production Engineering
- Marketing
- Materials Technology
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Technology & Bioengineering
- Medicine
- Music
- Nursing & Midwifery
- Optometry, Ophthalmics & Orthoptics
- Paramedic Science
- Pharmacology & Pharmacy
- Philosophy
- Physics & Astronomy
- Physiotherapy
- Politics
- Psychology
- Russian & East European Languages
- Social Policy
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Speech & Language Therapy
- Sports Science
- Theology & Religious Studies
- Tourism, Transport, Travel & Heritage Studies
- Town & Country Planning and Landscape Design
- Veterinary Medicine