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City of Bristol College

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Frequently asked questions

Progress towards studying a degree by starting a degree-level qualification in your local area, saving you money. City of Bristol College offers dedicated study areas, outstanding support, a Students' Union, and tutors with local knowledge and employer connections. Flexible study options may be available to suit your lifestyle.

A degree is a fantastic way to explore subjects you are interested in more in-depth and to work in a field that interests you after graduation. If you do something you enjoy, you'll never work a day in your life! If you are keen to stay in education, an undergraduate degree means you can go on to a master's degree or a PhD to become an expert in your field of interest.

City of Bristol College does not provide its own accommodation. For students who need to move to the area, the city of Bristol offers plenty of accommodation options, including private halls of residence and homestay. City of Bristol College website provides information on accommodation nearby.

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