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Plumpton College

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The Students' Union offers a range of social events along with clubs and activities, and students living on site can access the college's esports gaming room outside the normal college opening hours. With many specialist degree courses available, you're bound to find the right one for you – and Plumpton College is keen to help you develop and reach your full potential. You'll undertake research projects throughout your course, and benefit from state-of-the-art equipment. Plumpton College is proud of its facilities, high-quality teaching, and its support for all students to thrive.

If you are keen to stay in education, an undergraduate degree means you can go on to a master's degree or a PhD to become an expert in your field of interest. Studies have shown that graduates have a higher average salary compared to non-graduates.

Halls have free Wi-Fi and 24/7 staff support and your rent includes all meals, seven days a week. Living in Plumpton College student accommodation is a great way to meet other students, and means you can focus on getting the most out of your degree experience.

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