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Royal Veterinary College, University of London

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Royal Veterinary College, University of London offers specialist degrees and courses in veterinary medicine, veterinary nursing and biological sciences. Students at its campuses benefit from specialist facilities, practical learning, input from veterinary experts, and accreditations that open up employment opportunities across the world. Find Royal Veterinary College, University of London on our subject league tables to see where it ranks across different measures.

If you are keen to stay in education, an undergraduate degree means you can go on to a master's degree or a PhD to become an expert in your field of interest. Studies have shown that graduates have a higher average salary compared to non-graduates.

Royal Veterinary College, University of London offers its own halls and also works with a private provider to help students find somewhere to suit their budget and requirements. All halls have shared kitchen facilities, access to the internet and 24/7 security. Accessible rooms are available for disabled students. Find details of accommodation, including other options for student housing nearby, on Royal Veterinary College website.

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