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Southampton, Solent University

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With so many course combinations to choose from you're bound to find the right one for you. Southampton Solent University is proud of its high-quality teaching and facilities, find it on our league table to see where it ranks and how its strengths can help your university experience. Southampton Solent University will help you develop valuable employability and life skills by offering courses that can be taken with a placement or internship, opportunities to broaden your experience by going overseas, and a wide variety of clubs and societies to join.

Good news! Studies, including research by HESA (the Higher Education Statistics Agency) and the University of Warwick, have found that graduates have a higher average salary than those who didn't go to uni. You can use a degree to explore subjects you are interested in and to find work in a field that you are passionate about, setting you up for a career that inspires you every day.

Halls have free Wi-Fi, kitchen and dining facilities, and communal areas. 24-hour security is also available on campus. Rooms have been adapted for students with disabilities in accessible halls.

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