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University of East London

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Frequently asked questions

UEL is a careers-first university, preparing students to graduate with the knowledge and qualifications their industry requires. Across an extensive range of courses, essential life skills are taught which help students adapt, embrace change and show employers that they are ready to thrive in the workplace. The university embeds work placements, networking opportunities and exposure to industry experts, helping to make students industry-ready and giving them everything they need to succeed.

UEL offers stunning waterfront halls of residence, which are convenient, secure and comfortable. Students enjoy free Wi-Fi, kitchen and dining facilities, communal areas and 24-hour security. A range of accommodation types of offered to suit all budgets.

The wellbeing of students is a high priority, and the one-stop-shop Student Hub can assist with a range of academic and personal support needs. Additionally, a range of means-tested bursaries and competitive scholarships are offered to support with the costs of university.

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