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University of Sheffield

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With so many courses available at the university you're bound to find the right one for you. University of Sheffield is proud of its high-quality research, teaching and facilities; have a look at where it ranks on our league tables and see how its strengths could match what you're looking for from your university experience. There are also many clubs and societies to join – from sports clubs to academic interest, hobbies to political and religious societies. Whatever your interest, University of Sheffield is keen to help you develop and reach your full potential.

If you are keen to stay in education, an undergraduate degree means you can go on to a master's degree or a PhD to become an expert in your field of interest. Studies have shown that graduates have a higher average salary compared to non-graduates.

University of Sheffield accommodation includes a mix of rooms with shared kitchens and studios with their own kitchen area. You could live in purpose-built modern halls or shared student houses, or even choose catered accommodation. Several adapted rooms are available for disabled students.

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