Accounting & Finance
Accountants record, classify, summarise, interpret, and communicate a business’s financial information. Our Accounting & Finance university rankings are a list of the best universities for Accounting & Finance in the UK and include Banking, Financial Risk, and Investment courses. You can use the various filters on our Accounting & Finance league table to find courses based on the factors you find important. You can search by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. You can then compare your search results and decide which Accounting & Finance courses you'd like to apply for.
Accountants record, classify, summarise, interpret, and communicate a business’s financial information. Our Accounting & Finance university rankings are a list of the best universities for Accounting & Finance in the UK and include Banking, Financial Risk, and Investment courses. You can use the various filters on our Accounting & Finance league table to find courses based on the factors you find important. You can search by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. You can then compare your search results and decide which Accounting & Finance courses you'd like to apply for.
Accountants record, classify, summarise, interpret, and communicate a business’s financial information. Our Accounting & Finance university rankings are a list of the best universities for Accounting & Finance in the UK and include Banking, Financial Risk, and Investment courses. You can use the various filters on our Accounting & Finance league table to find courses based on the factors you find important. You can search by region, entry standards, student satisfaction, graduate prospects, and more. You can then compare your search results and decide which Accounting & Finance courses you'd like to apply for.
University ranking
University name
Overall score
Entry standards
Student satisfaction
Research quality
Graduate prospects
12345 46 17 18 39 11011 112 1131415 116 217 318 31920 32122 123 124 125 126 427 228 229 130 33132 93334 235 336 237 538 239 140 341 242 643 24445 24647 648 1649 35051 452 353 554 855 156 257 358 759 460 1461 462 1963 264 765 2566 967 3268 569 970 1171 272 473 774 475 876 477 478 179 780 581 88283 784 485 886 787 288 1089 690 69192 493 19495 496 197 398 399 2100 13101 1102 1103 1
This table was updated on 24 May 2024.
Read the University and subject tables methodology to find out where the data comes from, how the tables are compiled and explanations of the measures used.
All measures used to compile the tables are available on the full table view. Maximum scores for the measures:
Overall score: maximum score of 1000
Entry standards: no maximum score
Student satisfaction: maximum score of 4
Research quality: maximum score of 4
Continuation: maximum score of 100
Graduate prospects – outcomes: maximum score of 100
Graduate prospects – on track: maximum score of 100
The following institutions have courses in this subject but insufficient data to be included in the ranking:
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Subject league tables
- Accounting & Finance
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